Sunday, October 11, 2009

What about Afghanistan?

We should never have invaded Iraq. President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, Sen. McCain, Sen. Lieberman et. al. lied to us. In my state, Sen. Kennedy and Congressman Capuano had the courage to oppose their lies. Very few of our leaders will be shown to have been truthful in the post-9/11 hysteria that gripped the country. It was a terrible error to abandon Afghanistan for the Iraq sideshow, and now a new President is stuck with the wingnut's mess. Despite my initial enthusiasm for our Afghanistan invasion, it was tempered after the disaster at Tora Bora. And now the solution is to engage in another surge? More troops? I am beginning to believe that we should abandon the ground.

Frank Rich's column in the October 11, 2009 New York Times is a persuasive journey through the Bush years. Make no mistake: this fiasco is not the result of President Obama's actions, but it is his and our problem. Those who are actually responsible can safely lob their criticism from the sidelines, but it is important that they were repudiated in the last election. The president should find a way to remind America of that fact.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Im all for having all our troops out of the middle east. For money, life, and ethical reasons. What if, heaven forbid, the US or an ally is attacked and we find out the culprits are from Afghanistan. Do we then evade again? Would the current administration be blamed by pulling troops out and letting terrorist groups strengthen and reorganize? Were damned if we do, damned if we don't.
