Saturday, October 10, 2009

On the Nobel Prize: Just Say Congrats

Republican leaders and their media proxies are incensed that President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. Commentary from the Right continues to meander a predictable course, as the wing-nuts somehow find a way to use this prestigious award to challenge the integrity of the 44th President. Perhaps it is true that the Prize was awarded to distinguish Mr. Obama for the accomplishment of being someone other than the last occupant of the White House. So what?

Of all the comments I've read and heard over the last 24 hour news cycle, my favorite comes from a voice of the minority party, quoted from the New York Times today:

"One recognition of the tricky politics the award presents came from Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, a Republican who is considering challenging Mr. Obama in 2012.

“I know there’s going to be some people who are saying ‘Was it based on good intentions and thoughts, or is it going to be based on results?’ ” Mr. Pawlenty said on his weekly radio show on WCCO in Minneapolis. “But I think the appropriate response, or an appropriate response, is when anybody wins a Nobel Prize, you know that is a very noteworthy development and designation and award, and I think the proper response is to say congratulations.”

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