Friday, December 10, 2010

The best rant of 2010

I meant to include this link in my earlier post. Keith Olberman unloads on the President for his angry remarks about Progressive Democrats.


  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. I voted for the "Change I could believe in", and now I feel like he is working for the "dark side" and not the people that got him in the White House. Watered down health care bill with no real reform on the costs, tax cuts for the rich extended, no cost of living increase for our nation's most fragile citizens, the elderly and disabled, and no end in sight to the people who want to work but can't find a job. At this point we really need a strong third party candidate who is for the average blue collar Joe, but unfortunately our political system is so corrupt that we now belong to the wealthy and corporate America and an honest man can no longer be elected in our country. Let's be honest with ourselves and change our flag from the stars and stripes to a giant corporate logo..Exxon Mobil seems the most appropriate choice.

  2. The 3rd party option hasn't worked since the last successful 3rd party: the GOP, in 1856. That shouldn't stop you from pressing your agenda within the two major parties, however.
