Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Empty premium seating and tax cuts for the rich

News that neither the Giants nor the Jets sold all the available seats for their respective opening games of the season reminds us that even the affluent are feeling the effects of the recession. Shall we thus extend the Bush tax cuts, as the GOP (otherwise known as "the party of the rich") would prefer? After all, public dollars were used to build this massive sports palace (just as in the case of the new Yankees' stadium). So why shouldn't we use the same logic to help the teams full the stadium?

1 comment:

  1. I'm born and raised in New York and believe me when I say the jets rarely ever fill more than half the stadium no matter how the economy is. Also being from New York I saw the immediate effect September 11th had on the economy which was in 2001. It is also around this time that the dot com bubble burst. Two major economic catastrophe's that extremely weakened our economy. The time periods of these events happen around the beginning of bush's presidency just like the economic meltdown to Obama's. How exactly would taxing the rich fill the stadium I must have missed something...people can't afford it with the tax cuts so taxing them more and.....I definitely must be missing something. When you say tax payers built those stadiums you mean rich people built those stadiums. The top 10% of the wealthiest citizens pay almost 70 percent of the tax's.

    All I ever hear about is democrats wanting to take other peoples money and than next to those stories I see one's like Charlie Rangel and John Kerry avoiding their tax's. The banking system destroyed this country not a single political party or political administration. You know who put this banking system in power? Old people and baby boomers. If it wasn't for that same failed generation we could have let the banks fail. Once the banks fail the market doesn't disappear. People wouldn't stop needing shoes if nike went under. Smaller shoe makers would emerge to fill this gap. Instead we bailed them out and saved your grandparents 401k's and kept them going. Why? Because companies like JP morgan chase, goldman sachs, and morgan stanley were some of the top contributors of BOTH PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS. They win no matter what. The capitalistic market gives anyone the potential to make millions. Instead of stealing someone else's hard earned money why don't the democrats just go make some and donate it to the state? Because its just a job to them. Look at our senators here. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy spent millions and millions racing around on their yachts before and after the meltdown. Selling those men's yachts alone could earn thousands of young new englanders a college education.
