Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Losers Celebrate

Last year Texas suggested that secession might be a useful plan for the Lone Star State, the year before we learned that Sarah Palin's husband belongs to an Alaskan political party that advocates the same for his state. And now we have the Governor of Virginia announcing that April is "Confederate History Month". Yes, the state that gave us George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson (but also Robert E. Lee) wants to remember the "War of Northern Aggression" as it is sometimes called below the Mason-Dixon Line. It is true: the South does still hear the guns.

This issue was settled in 1865, although a Southerner was so upset about it that he assassinated thePresident. Hey Virginia, do you want to celebrate that event, too? After all, Lincoln died in April.

Here is a terrific op-ed piece from the The New York Times today.

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