Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shared Sacrifice

One of the elements that identified the GREATEST GENERATION was its capacity to forfeit immediate gratification for a greater purpose. This carried over into great endeavors, such as the Space Race and staunch opposition to the Soviet Union. It had its low moments, too, such as the Vietnam War. But on balance, I admire the shared sense of sacrifice that animated its policy-making.

We lack that sense today, despite great opportunities for shared sacrifice. We send our treasure (in the form of deficit spending) and a small proportion of our youth to fight two stupid and unnecessary wars. Where is the sense of mission that characterized this political culture for much of our history, and where are the leaders who can articulate a unifying purpose? The GOP offers tax cuts as the great hope for the future, the very antithesis of shared sacrifice, as they prefer to reward those at the top. The Dems appear capable of offering nothing more than "GOP light" proposals (witness the broken campaign promises regarding health care).

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