Friday, June 26, 2009

What's worth Discussing

The Gov. Sanford scandal provides perfect fodder, but in some ways is just too easy. A strident critic of President Clinton a decade ago, it is a partisan pleasure to witness Sanford's fall from grace. Exposed as a hypocrite and a liar, another of the stable of "rising GOP stars" finds his national career over before it had a chance to truly develop. Yippee, skippee fiddle-dee-dee!

Referring to what he characterized as the "myth of Republican moral superiority, Paul Begala writes

The problem with Sanford... is that he's been "incredibly judgmental about other people's sex lives." As examples, Begala cites Sanford's opposition to same-sex marriages and civil unions, and his vote in the House of Representatives to impeach Clinton.

At the time, Sanford said, "The issue of lying is probably the biggest harm, if you will, to the system of democratic government ... because it undermines trust. And if you undermine trust in our system, you undermine everything.


Now some in the political chattering class believe that Sanford is being unfairly criticized - give me a break! He is a hypocrite, and if the GOP keeps serving up helpings of such as their standard-bearers for 2012, I predict an easy victory for President Obama. And while I am on the subject of the President, I wish he would heed the advice of my favorite economist, Paul Krugman, who politely suggests in the New York Times today that the President abandon his desire for bipartisanship and govern as he campaigned. The GOP offers nothing of substance to unite a true opposition. And the party fails the test of a "loyal" opposition as well.

I am a bit less polite: I implore the President to grow a pair.

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