Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Congratulations, President Obama. This was a noteworthy victory, given the shrill voices of your opponents over the entire four years of the first term. I cannot remember another President who endured such an obstreperous loyal opposition.( Even President Clinton's enemies gave him the conventional 100 day honeymoon before unsheathing their knives.) That you retained your sense of propriety and ran what was (mostly) a high road campaign was justly rewarded by the electorate. May this please be the end to Mitt's 15 minutes of fame. The serial flip-flopper must have flopped his last flip by now. His politics, and that of his party, were roundly repudiated last night, although the House remains a trouble spot. I was horrified to hear the Speaker boasting on NPR this morning that the American voters still support the House Republicans. They are the reason that Congress has such a low approval rating. But we love our own representative, even as we deplore the institution as a whole. I hope that the President extends an olive branch to Boehner, but I also hope he takes a page from Bush43"s playbook and campaigns vigorously for a Democratic Party victory in the 2014 mid-terms. Yesterday provided Mr. Obama with some significant political capital. Please use it.